In a world where extravagant riches and abject poverty exist side by side, Manon is caught in-between. She falls in love with a penniless student, but is lured into becoming the mistress of a rich gentleman. From giddiness to despair, triumph to regret, this Manon is “searingly powerful” (The Guardian).
“Handsomely staged, meticulously rehearsed and vividly danced” (The Spectator), English National Ballet’s production of Kenneth MacMillan’s ballet features compelling characters, gasp-inducing love duets and larger than life scenes, all set to a haunting score by Jules Massenet, played live by English National Ballet Philharmonic.
This performance of Manon was filmed at the Manchester Opera House in October 2018 for archive purposes.
“An urgent tragedy, a passionate tale of life at the edges.”
The Independent
“Sizzling, reckless, sensational.”
The Times
“Never fails to rip my heart to shreds.”
The Jewish Chronicle
“A truly irresistible tragedy… dramatic, thrilling, affecting.”
The Daily Telegraph
“A fleet-footed production with an exemplary central performance.”
The Stage
Manon Alina Cojocaru
Des Grieux Joseph Caley
Lescaut (Manon’s brother) Jeffrey Cirio
Monsieur GM James Streeter
Lescaut’s Mistress Katja Khaniukova
Madame Jane Haworth
Gaoler Fabian Reimair
Click here to purchase Manon as a gift
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